Filipino activists, alarmed by the rapid increase in shark deaths over recent years, are enacting legislation to help trim shark killing by fishermen and poachers. But a more insidious killer – plastics – continues to cut into the peak predator numbers.
Climate Action With Clean Energy Funding
Effective climate action by multiple non-state actors, be they businesses, cities or regions, could make significant contributions to narrowing the global emissions gap, adapting to climate change, and demonstrating to governments that higher ambition is desirable and doable. Going beyond words, this 5-part series titled Beyond words: Climate Actions for a Green Economy show that these actors are hard at work and delivering.
Flood Danger : an Increasing Problem
Declining Rice: Changing Diets in Asia
Plastic Problems, Pollution in the Philippines
PV In Railway Technology Reduces CO2
Single-use Plastic Bans to Prevent Pollution
On World Environment Day 2018, numerous organisations announced new plans and actions to address plastic related issues such as litter, pollution and harm to wildlife. Mallika Naguran takes a look at the environmental movements and pledges made by A Plastic Planet, The Travel Corporation and The Millenium Hotels in this report.
Environmental Justice for 2013 Bertam Valley Flood Victims
TNB was found liable for negligence in causing the 2013 environmental disaster involving torrential water flow from the Sultan Abu Bakar Hydroelectric Dam causing fatalities, severe flooding and property damage in Cameron Highlands. Lawyer M.Manogaran also calls for a new legislation - a Dam Safety Act - to protect the interest of the public.
Japan Travel Agencies Ally Towards Responsible Tourism
Banyan Tree Hotels Reject Single-use Plastic
Reducing Food Waste Saves Hotels Money
Westin's Upcycled Pajamas to Promote Good Sleep
Hospitality’s wellness turns used bed linens to pajamas, helping children sleep and feel better. Mallika Naguran reports.
Plastic Bags: Reducing Pollution, Worldwide
Top Down Impetus: States can Drive Sustainable Change
Electric Air Taxis Curbing Pollution Already Flying!
Beyond Words: Climate Actions for a Green Economy - 3
LEDs and Carbon Emission: Half a Billion CO2 Tonnes Saved in 2017
Beyond Words: Climate Actions for a Green Economy II
Effective climate action by multiple non-state actors, be they businesses, cities or regions, could make significant contributions to narrowing the global emissions gap, adapting to climate change, and demonstrating to governments that higher ambition is desirable and doable. Going beyond words, this 5-part series on climate actions for a green economy shows how these actors are, in fact, hard at work and delivering results. By Jovin Hurry
Sustainable Data: The Cost of Connectivity
Green Travel Index Offers Access to EarthCheck Members
EarthCheck has partnered with the Green Travel Index (GTI), a B2B database for sustainable certified service providers in travel and tourism.