Seven focus areas are recommended in the AEN Xiling Snow Mountain Declaration of Climate Change Adaptation and Redefining Ecotourism Seasonality. This is to steer the ecotourism industry towards creative thinking and timely solutions for sustainability sake.
Rethinking Models for Climate Financing
Effective climate action by multiple non-state actors, be they businesses, cities or regions, could make significant contributions to narrowing the global emissions gap, adapting to climate change, and demonstrating to governments that higher ambition is desirable and doable. Going beyond words, this 5-part series titled Beyond words: Climate Actions for a Green Economy show that these actors are hard at work and delivering.
AirCon Numbers: Looming Emissions Crunch
Climate Action With Clean Energy Funding
Effective climate action by multiple non-state actors, be they businesses, cities or regions, could make significant contributions to narrowing the global emissions gap, adapting to climate change, and demonstrating to governments that higher ambition is desirable and doable. Going beyond words, this 5-part series titled Beyond words: Climate Actions for a Green Economy show that these actors are hard at work and delivering.
Beyond Words: Climate Actions for a Green Economy II
Effective climate action by multiple non-state actors, be they businesses, cities or regions, could make significant contributions to narrowing the global emissions gap, adapting to climate change, and demonstrating to governments that higher ambition is desirable and doable. Going beyond words, this 5-part series on climate actions for a green economy shows how these actors are, in fact, hard at work and delivering results. By Jovin Hurry