A French NGO housing charity in Brittany is creating its own small achievements using homeless builders to build tiny homes on wheels - which they get to live in.
Plastic: You Are What You Eat
A Meaty Issue
Bottled Water: Climate Culprit
Plogging: the New Jogging
The Swedes have cornered the market in sustainable awareness catchphrases. Thunberg, flygskam, sustainable fashion – and now plogga.
Sweat Power
Wearable devices are all the rage. But the fly in the technological ointment is battery life. Limited by size, rechargeables run out too fast, button batteries are not sustainable and newer tech brings heat and potential burn dangers. But scientists are working on another wearable power source – sweat.
Deutsche Dogs: Caring and Testing Coronavirus
The coronavirus pandemic has brought a spike in pet ownership as lockdown citizens seek sentient company (not Netflix) at home. In Germany, the government, mindful of animal rights, has mandated that owners must walk their canine consorts and not just keep them as lapdogs. The dogs, in turn, are giving back by detecting contagious carriers.
COVID-19 Aerosol Transmission: Hospitality, Tourism Implications
A new study suggests that COVID-19 may be spreading from person to person in tiny droplets or aerosols. This has huge implications for the hospitality and tourism sector. Mallika Naguran discusses the study and suggests ten healthy and safety measures to take on board in tackling the spread of the coronavirus.
Post Viral Cycling
Rebuilding Australian Tourism Sustainably After Bushfires
Trail Pooh: Sustainable Plops
Holiday Romance – the Sustainable Lover
Many people go on holiday with a twinkle in their eye. Either for somebody they already love, or somebody they haven’t yet met, but definitely want to love. Either way, there’s an issue – sustainability. The eco-savvy traveller will be prepared for this and will have packed suitable accessories for almost any romantic occasion.
Waiving Waste: Bali Hotels Feed the Hungry
Millions of tourists visit Bali every year – and they waste hundreds of tonnes of food while they are there. Leftovers from spicy banquets, over-provisioned picnics and un-sampled buffet breakfasts all add to the waste. But one smart tech entrepreneur has swapped his skills in cash handling to food handling – and helped feed hungry villagers in the process.
How To Be a Zero Waste Traveller
Urban Riding: is the Cycle Slowing?
Popular wisdom says that urban bicycle riding is on the up. But the truth seems to be otherwise. In many places active urban cycling could be declining in popularity. By James Teo and The Dirt.