
Albert Teo: How to Sustain Community Building in Ecotourism

Going from mere charity to community-led social enterprise, Albert Teo shares with Gaia Discovery a few learning points from his ecotourism development efforts of Sabah.

Mike Than Tun Win: Turning Junk Bikes into School Transport

Most people who see piles of junked or abandoned bike-share bicycles simply tut-tut and walk past blaming the local authorities for the mess. One public spirited Burmese man takes a different approach: he is shipping them to countries in desperate need of transport for students who just want to get to school.

Cecilie Benjamin: Mahonia Na Dari (Guardian of the Sea)

When some people learn to dive, they want to travel and dive as many places as they can. But Cecilie Benjamin was so taken with her first dive site she decided this was a place where her passion for the marine environment could flourish. She was so enthused, she helped establish a thriving future environmental education centre.

Elephant Knowledge: Anna Songhurst and Ecoexist

What started out as a PhD investigating behaviours has transcended into a whole social approach to making a better life for elephants – and safer lives for the humans who live and farm near them.

Katherine Connor: Sustainable Elephant Rescue

Katherine Connor set up an elephant sanctuary in Thailand purely to benefit itsanimals - and to educate their owners. Not just for tourists wanting a memorable snap for their online account.

Andrew Sebastian: On Malaysia Ecotourism & Ecology

No stranger to bird lovers and forest trekkers in Malaysia, guide Andrew Sebastian has more tricks up his sleeves in promoting ecotourism and habitat conservation than anyone can imagine. Gaia Discovery’s Mallika Naguran catches up with the bird expert to find out more about the Wallace Project through Sebastian’s own NGO - Ecotourism & Conservation Society Malaysia, and about his views on how tourism can help raise ecological awareness.

Michael Davis: My Role as a Responsible Installation Artist

Bio-Resin, reusable metal in bar chimes… these are just a couple of materials that are surprisingly part of the Illumaphonium, a musical structure that stands tall, colourful, entrancing and strong at the I Light Marina Bay 2018 festival in Singapore. Gaia Discovery’s Mallika Naguran gets on the same bandwidth as its British creator Michael Davis as he speaks about his musical interest, beliefs, style and role as a responsible artist.

Alex Tsuk: Rise of Responsible Tourism Community in Bali with BookGreener

A ground up, industry-led responsible tourism movement is picking up in Bali. Mallika Naguran speaks to the founder or 'Chief Alchemist' of Book Greener, Alex Tsuk, about this special group of operators and the role they play in dealing with crisis as volcano Agung continues to disrupt tourism in this island of paradise.

Prof Lye Lin-Heng: Why Attend the Sustainable Development Goals Conference 2016 in Singapore?

Prof Lye Lin-Heng: Why Attend the Sustainable Development Goals Conference 2016 in Singapore?
In an exclusive interview with Gaia Discovery, Assoc. Prof Lye Lin-Heng, Director of the Asia-Pacific Centre for Environmental Law (APCEL) and chairperson of the organising committee and highlights the significance of the first-of-its-kind conference on "Attaining the UN Sustainable Development Goals - Environmental Law, Policy and Management" in Singapore.

Robi Navicula: GINKalimantan Helps Kids Become Change Makers

Robi Navicula: GINKalimantan Helps Kids Become Change Makers
A GAIA DISCOVERY exclusive with Robi Navicula, leader of GINBali, who calls for support in the upcoming GINKalimantan conference.