As much as he fought for nature conservation, he did it diplomatically. Subaraj Rajathurai passed away leaving behind a legacy that his family, friends and conservation partners will remember for a very long time.
Michael Davis: My Role as a Responsible Installation Artist
Bio-Resin, reusable metal in bar chimes… these are just a couple of materials that are surprisingly part of the Illumaphonium, a musical structure that stands tall, colourful, entrancing and strong at the I Light Marina Bay 2018 festival in Singapore. Gaia Discovery’s Mallika Naguran gets on the same bandwidth as its British creator Michael Davis as he speaks about his musical interest, beliefs, style and role as a responsible artist.
Janson Chan: Mushrooming Food Security in Singapore
Urban farming and agriculture have many benefits such as maintaining food security in land scarce Singapore. Mallika Naguran and Chan Shu Yin conduct an exclusive interview with Janson Chan, CEO of Agrivo Mycosciences to find out why the company connects with children on mushroom farming.
Prof Lye Lin-Heng: Why Attend the Sustainable Development Goals Conference 2016 in Singapore?
Vilma D'Rozario: Passionate about wildlife
Gaia Discovery connects with Vilma D'Rozario of Cicada Tree Eco-Place for Mallika Naguran's MEM Alumni Group and the Nature Society talk titled "Face of the Conservationist". Originally presented at the SG50: Nurturing Nature with Community Involvement" Seminar.
Debby Ng: Blogging the Environment
Debby Ng is the founder of the Hantu Blog and the Himalayan Mutt Project. She talks to Shermaine Wong about her work for Mallika Naguran's talk on the "Face of the Conservationist", for theMEM Alumni Group and the Nature Society seminar.