Climate Change Seminar by MSc Environmental Management Alumni
The MSc Environmental Management alumni from the National University of Singapore is organising its annual public seminar on 7 May 2016. This year, in light of climate change related issues and corresponding changes to international policy and local governance, the seminar is themed: 'Climate Change Negotiation Landscape - The Road from Paris and Beyond'. A highly relevant seminar for all!
The speakers and their topics:
Mr Sandeep Chamling Rai, Senior Advisor on Global Adaptation Policy for WWF International - "International Climate Change Negotiations: COP21 Outcomes and the Way Forward"
Ms Nor Lastrina Hamid, Co-Founder of Singapore Youth for Climate Action - "Paris Agreement: What it means for Singapore and Asia"
Mr Jose Raymond, Vice President of Corporate Affairs (Singapore), Asia Pulp and Paper - "Landscape Management in Indonesia – Why the Future has to be Now?"
All are invited to attend this seminar, ask questions during the panel discussion and to make new friends over lunch thereafter, at no cost.
Event Details

Venue of the climate change seminar: Shaw Foundation Alumni House
Date: Saturday, 7 May 2016
Time: 0900 - 1230 hrs
Venue: Auditorium, Shaw Foundation Alumni House, National University of Singapore , 11 Kent Ridge Drive, Singapore 119244
Entrance Fee: Your smile!
Come and hear of the current issues, stumbling blocks, various organisational commitment and policy directions towards climate change mitigation and adaptation. Register here for the seminar.
There will also be a book exchange at the event, swapping nature and environmental materials. It is a great time to give away your old books, mags, CDs and DVDs.
1. "International Climate Change Negotiations: COP21 Outcomes and the Way Forward"
Climate change is an unprecedented challenge facing humanity today, both politically and technically. The primary international legal response to climate change is the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC),which started in 1992. For more than two decades, climate scientists and politicians have worked toward achieving agreements on the best way to address climate change. At the 21st session of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to UNFCCC in Dec 2015, more than 196 countries adopted the landmark Paris Agreement. This agreement is the result of 9 years of intense negotiations. This presentation will focus on the path of achieving the Paris Agreement, unpacking the agreement and what the way forward is for its implementation. This seminar should be attended by anyone interested in the climate change negotiation landscape leading up to COP21 and what the new agreement means for climate actions.

Speaker: Mr Sandeep Chamling Rai is a Senior Advisor on Global Adaptation Policy for WWF International based in Singapore. He leads WWF’s effort on adaptation policy work within the UN Climate Change negotiations process, SDG, IPCC and other international processes. Sandeep is a graduate from the NUS MSc Enviornmental Management programme.
2. "Paris Agreement: What it means for Singapore and Asia"
Singapore announced in February 2016 that it would sign the Paris Agreement on Climate Change on 22 April 2016 at a high-level signature ceremony convened by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon in New York. This presentation will examine how Singapore intends to achieve its Intended Nationally Determined Contribution of reducing its emissions intensity by 36% by 2030, as well as how business and civil society sectors can get more involved in this effort. The presentation will further examine if the Paris Agreement and Singapore's effort in tackling climate change will be eroded given that Asia as a region is still largely dependent on fossil fuels.

Speaker: An environmentalist, Ms Nor Lastrina Hamid has attended COP20 in Lima, Peru and COP21 in Paris, France. She co- founded Singapore Youth for Climate Action, a platform for young Singapore residents to join hands in action in response to climate change, as well as #LepakInSG, a one-stop calendar listing environmental events and activities in Singapore.
3. "Landscape Management in Indonesia – Why the Future has to be Now?"
Between about June and October 2015, more than 100,000 fires burned down millions of hectares of fragile forest lands in Indonesia. There were human and animal fatalities, and the economic damage was estimated to be more than US$15bn. For more than 20 years these fires have been an annual occurrence, as farmers and agricultural companies clear Indonesia's forests and carbon-rich peatlands to make way for pulpwood, palm oil and rubber plantations, or for smaller scale subsistence farming. Can a landscape management approach to land governance in Indonesia bring about an end to the issue of haze?

Speaker: Mr Jose Raymond is Vice President of Corporate Affairs (Singapore) at Asia Pulp & Paper. He was formerly the CEO of the Singapore Environment Council (SEC) from 2011 to 2015. He was also the Press Secretary to the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources
About the organiser:

The alumni of MSc (Environmental Management) program (also known as the MEM program) is a vibrant group of professionals who get together to organise a number of activities each year on a voluntary basis. The activities include public educational seminars on social and environmental topics, musical events and overseas trips. The MEM, a multi-displinary post-graduate program, was inaugurated in 2001 by the School of Design and Environment faculty of the National University of Singapore. After more than a decade, this program continues to attract high calibre students from around the world. For more information on MEM, visit the website at For inquiries or partnerships with MEM alumni, contact the president Albert Sin.
Rainforest World Music Festival 2015 Event Listing

The 18th edition of Sarawak’s Rainforest World Music Festival (RWMF) takes place on the weekend of 7th to 9th of August 2015 (Friday to Sunday) at Sarawak Cultural Village in Damai, an hour’s drive or so from the heart of Sarawak, Kuching.
Event: Rainforest World Music Festival 2015
Venue: Sarawak Cultural Village, Damai, Sarawak, West Malaysia
Dates: 7-9 August 2015
About the Festival
Program highlights with daytime Workshops as well as daily performances can be found here. You can buy a one day ticket or a season pass for one or for the family. Check out these travel packages too!
Three sessions of simultaneous workshops will be held daily from 2-5 pm at three different venues within the Sarawak Cultural Village. It is best to read up the program well beforehand to decide what workshops to choose, and to get there early to secure a seat - yes it does get crowded! However, it is also possible to do a "workshop crawl" - drift from one workshop to another while the session is still on. No, it's not considered rude to leave one to go to another, as long as you don't block the cameras pointed at the stage. Read Gaia Discovery preview of this festival.
Getting There
If you book up early, you can stay close to the festival area, at Damai Beach Resort, Damai Puri Resort & Spa, and Permai Rainforest Resort (10 mins walk). For less pricey options, city hotels are a good idea. There will be shuttle buses to take you to the festival grounds. This link tells you the pick up points and time to Rainforest World Music Festival 2015. Don't be late for the shuttle that is essentially a 45-minute busride! Otherwise hail a cab, and be prepared to pay big bucks.

Modern jet aircraft connect Sarawak with the outside world and connect the main centres within the State while smaller turbo-prop planes make once remote settlements easily accessible for the visitor. Kuching International Airport has direct flights to Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Bandar Seri Begawan and to Hong Kong via Kota Kinabalu.
There are also direct flights from Kuala Lumpur to Miri and Sibu, from Johor Bahru to Kuching, and from Kota Kinabalu and Labuan to Kuching and Bintulu.
Bus, Indonesia - There are two daily bus services between Kuching and Pontianak. Journey time is roughly 10 hours.
Bus, Brunei - There are five daily bus services between Miri and Kuala Belait (2 hours), with onward connections to Bandar Sri Begawan, plus a direct mini-bus service between Miri and Bandar Sri Begawan(4 hours) twice daily.
Self Drive - Visitors may enter Sarawak from Brunei or Indonesia using their own vehicles or rental vehicles, provided they have valid international insurance cover. An international driver's licence is advisable.
Cycling - Bring your own, as there is no bike for hire at the premises.
Camping at the festival grounds - Not allowed, sadly. At least there's beer and wine sold.
Nurturing Nature Seminar 2015
NUS MEM Alumni explore how to Nurture Singapore's Nature
To help celebrate this year's SG50 golden jubilee, the Alumni Association of NUS's Masters in Environmental Management (MEM) course together with the Nature Society Singapore is staging a free program of seminars and walks.
The program titled "Nurturing Nature with Community Involvement" aims to highlight how Singapore has fostered and developed conservation across its communities.
The seminar will be held at the NUS Auditorium, Shaw Foundation Alumni House, 11 Kent Ridge Drive, S119244 on 16 May at 9 am (registration begins at 8.30 am).
Three field walks will be held at various locations from Saturday 23 May, on a weekly basis.
For more details or to register, go to :
Inspiring Stories from Destinations 2014 Competition Opens
Singapore, 12 August 2014. This year, Wild Asia together with Gaia Discovery is on a lookout for inspiring travel stories from within the industry. We are inviting exceptional tourism businesses and projects from across Asia to submit their inspiring story.
Have you empowered local people? Saved a rare wildlife species? Protected an area’s cultural heritage? Innovated ways to run a tourism business that is kinder to the environment? Have you through the power of tourism used it as a force for good? We want to hear your story.
What’s in it for you?

Top 3 Winners will receive complimentary tickets to ITB Asia Responsible Tourism Events and will be given 15 minutes each to share their story on the Responsible Tourism stage to an audience of like-minded tourism professionals and potential customers
· Top 3 Winners will have their story published on the Wild Asia’s website and Gaia Discovery’s website.
· Top 3 Winners will benefit from the reach of both Wild Asia and Gaia Discovery’s social media networks.
How to enter
Submit your stories in any of the following form:
· In words; no more than 1,000 words
· Video; no more than 5 minutes
· Slideshow; no more than 15 slides
Email your entries to by 14th September 2014 (Sunday).
Please title your email “RT Stories for RT Event at ITB Asia 2014″ and include your Name, Email, Organization and Destination in your email.
Successful applicants will be notified via email by 30th September, 2014. Winners will be invited to speak at ITB Asia (Terms on Wild Asia website).
Inspiring Stories from Destinations is part of the annual Responsible Tourism networking events that started in 2009. Organised by WildAsia and supported by ITB Asia, this annual event hopes to bring together sustainable tourism practitioners to share, engage, learn and be inspired to make a difference. In 2014, it is jointly organised by Gaia Discovery. Judges of Inspiring Storides from Destinations 2014 include Gaia Discovery founder Mallika Naguran and award winning contributor Henrylito D.Tacio.
Green UrbanScape Asia 2013

The current world population of 7.2 billion is projected to increase by 1 billion over the next 12 years and reach 9.6 billion by 2050, according to a 2013 United Nations report*. Our cities are expected to continue to swell to accommodate increasing numbers of people. Without intervention, the implications of urbanisation are likely to exacerbate climate change– with the significant loss of forests and agricultural land, and increased energy usage. ‘Green City’ initiatives have been heralded as the answer.
The first-ever GreenUrbanScape Asia 2013,which will take place from 7 to 9 November, at the Singapore EXPO Convention and Exhibition Centre, will centre on the urban greenery industry behind green city aspirations. Held alongside the International Skyrise Greenery Conference the conference and exhibition will showcase industry luminaries behind some of the world’s exciting urban greenery projects, as well as the latest in urban greenery solutions. Industry leaders will use the event to discuss landscape and environmental design, implementation, policy and planning, among others, for the region and globally.
Date : 7-9 November 2013
Venue : Garnet, Level 2, MAX Atria @ Singapore EXPO, 1 Expo Drive
Singapore EXPOConvention and Exhibition Centre
The acclaimed architects and landscape professionals speaking at the event include:
- Kathryn Gustafson from the USA, best known for her award-winning projects in Europe and the States, including the Princess Diana Memorial at Kensington Palace Gardens
- Italy’s Stefano Boeri, renowned for Milan’s ‘Bosco Verticale’, heralded as the world’s first vertical forest
- Singapore’s Dr Liu Thai Ker, a member of several government bodies in Singapore and best known for spearheading major revisions to the Singapore Concept Plan and key directions for heritage conservation
- WOHA’s founder, Wong Mun Summ, award-winning architect responsible for projects such as Park Royal at Pickering, Singapore School of the Arts, iluma and the highly anticipated Oasia Downtown developments.
Sustainability Indicators - When are they effective?

Dr Sabrina Krank
Sustainability Indicators - When are they effective?
Tuesday, 8 October 2013
1.30PM at CSAC Seminar Room
School of Design & Environment
NUS SDE1 #04-24
4 Architecture Drive
Singapore 117566
Map: see Google Maps link here
Free admissions
Asia Dive Conference 2013 (ADCON)
Asia Dive Conference (ADCON) 2013, is the first conference in Malaysia to bring together Professionals in the dive industry and staged at Sutera Harbour Resort, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia from 4 to 5 December 2013.

Focused on “Technical Diving and Photography”, the conference promises to deliver 2 unforgettable days of very best in diving information, lectures, diver education, product workshop conducted by speakers and professionals from all corners of the world sharing their expertise and discoveries who are keen to advance their knowledge and stay abreast of those developing trends, technologies and techniques.
Some 500 delegates are expected during the 2 days event. Professionals in the industry attending the conference will sure benefit from its array of knowledge and expertise. Subjects will span from deep wreck-and-cave explorations, underwater photography and filmmaking, hyperbaric medicine, diving safety, diving technology developments to name a few.
It is an event for all divers to dive into possibilities to obtained unparrelled education, knowledge, expertise and networking opportunities that the conference will offer.
Singapore Futures Sustainability Symposium: Population White Paper & The Environment
The Singapore Futures Sustainability Symposium 2013 is organised by undergraduates from the Bachelor of Environmental Studies at the National University of Singapore. Its inaugural launch will host distinguished speakers and practitioners tackling critical issues of sustainability raised by the Population White Paper and its companion land-use plan.
The programme will feature panels covering issues relevant to the natural and urban environment. Speakers include Dr Shawn Lum (Nature Society Singapore), Mr Louis Ng (ACRES), Dr Lena Chan (NParks), Dr Paul Anantharajah (NUHS), Mr Christopher Gee (Institute of Policy Studies), Dr. Tay Kheng Soon (Akitek Tenggara), A/P Chong Keng Hua (SUTD) and Mr Devadas Krishnadas (Future-Moves).
Aside from the panel discussions and question-and-answer sessions, participants are encouraged to share their vision for Singapore at our interactive wall display at the symposium venue.

Name of Event: Singapore Futures Sustainability Symposium 2013
Theme: The Population White Paper and the Environment
Date: Saturday, 28 September 2013
Time: 1:00 – 6:00 pm
Venue: Auditorium 2, Stephen Riady Center in University Town, University Town, NUS, 2 College Avenue West, Level 2 Singapore 138607
Programme updates can be found at:
Our FB page:
Interested to attend? Kindly register here:
Visit Malaysia International Dive Expo 2013

Malaysia's only diving expo, seminar and fun-filled activities, all in one, is back again. MIDE 2013 is coming to you this Friday 5 to Sunday 7 July at Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC), KL with more activities and great prizes to be won. For dive enthusiasts, this is your chance to get everything under the sun (and the sea) on dive products and services plus special discounts offered by our exhibitors only at MIDE!
Compare or buy all that essential diving equipment, plan and book dive trips, or just go and meet-up with the many scuba dive enthusiasts and share your experiences with them.
This year, we have a line-up of speakers who are lens experts such as Yoshi Hirata, Aaron Wong, Imran Ahmad, Michael Aw, Jason Isley, William Tan and Mathieu Meur plus conservationists such as Rohan Perkins, environmental officer with Scuba Junkie, and Louisa S. Ponnampalam, chairperson & co-founder Marecet.
Try your hand in canvass painting guided along by Anuar, Orkibal and Jefferson by Canvas of Nature. Witness live demo on art sculturing with Zila Zain. There's also a kiddy colouring contest, so what are you waiting for? A great way to teach your children about nature while having fun.
Event Location: Hall 3, Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC), Kuala Lumpur
Opening Times:
Friday 5 July to Sunday 7 July - 10:00am-7:00pm
Admission: - Adult - RM3.00. Children and teens under 17 Years Old - free admission.
You could also win fabulous diving products and packages just by purchasing any dive products here as well! So keep a lookout for updates coming soon!
Download the full program here
You can also find more information on
Ladies! Join Dive Divas Fanclub for exclusive talks and treats for women. Talks include can one dive during fasting month, how can one dive during menstrual cycle, and more.
Pangolin Conservation Seminar by Wildlife Reserves Singapore
Wildlife Reserves Singapore Conservation Fund (WRSCF) invites all to a public seminar on the conservation of pangolins. Look forward to specialists from this field addressing topics on the illegal pangolin trade and conservation efforts to save the pangolin.
Date: Friday, 28 June 2013
Time: 1.30pm - 4pm
Venue: Forest Lodge, Singapore Zoo
Topics and speakers:
- “Trade in wildlife for meat and medicines pushing Southeast Asian species towards extinction,” by Chris R. Shepherd, Deputy Regional Director, TRAFFIC
- “The IUCN SSC and new technology for addressing illegal wildlife trade,” by Jonathan Baillie, Conservation Programmes Director, Zoological Society of London
- “The pangolin trade in Asia,” by Dan Challender, PhD student at the Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology, University of Kent, UK
- “Pangolins of Singapore: In situ and ex situ conservation efforts,” by Razak Jaffar, Assistant Curator of Night Safari
Admission is Free.
Light refreshments will be provided.
Limited spaces only so please RSVP to Yap Xinli at

Rainforest World Music Festival 2013
The 16th edition of Rainforest World Music Festival (RWMF) will take place from Friday 28 June to Sunday 30 June 2013 in Santubong Cultural Village, Sarawak.
A Jungle Village Festival - this internationally recognised Rainforest World Music Festival is a unique festival that brings together on the same stage renowned world musicians from all continents and indigenous musicians from the interiors of the mythical island of Borneo. Its formula of afternoon interactive workshops; ethno-musical lectures, jamming sessions and mini concerts, followed by evening performances on the main stage has proven to be a hit with audience, who come from near and far.

Dizu Plaatjies & The Ibuyambo Ensemble from South Africa Festival tickets priced at RM120 for adults and RM60 for children aged 3 to 12 are now available on line at
A 3-day pass for adults costing RM330 and RM160 for children aged 3 to 12 are also available.
TopSwop in May
Saturday, May 11, 2013 from 3:30 PM to 6:00 PM (SGT)
Bigger, better and more value for money
Join us on Saturday 11th May 3.30 – 6pm for our fashion, style and clothes swap event.
If you have outfits in your wardrobe that you love but haven't worn in a long time or feel the need to revamp your look but don't want to spend a lot of cash, then TopSwop is for you. Learn about fashion and style from a professional image consultant while swopping your cast-offclothes for new wardrobe treasures.
Upcycle Art Village: A Singapore Event
The UpcycleArt Village is part of an upcycling project by Participate in Design that involves local residents and the wider design community. On this day, there will be an exhibition of furniture pieces and everyday objects that have been collected, together with stories and ideas about them. The day-long event will also have upcycled craft workshops, performances, live music*, sharing by people from the creative community* and a short film screening*.

Listen to stories behind discarded furniture and how they can be given a brand new life with a renewed purpose.Event: The UpcycleArt Village
Date: Saturday, 27 April 2013
Venue:Block 116 Aljunied Ave 2, Singapore
Time: 9:30 am-7:00 pm
*These will be held from 4.30-7pm, by our good friends at Basically (Check out their FB page for more details!)
10:00-10:30 Trash Town Performing Group
10:30-11:00 Daiko Performing Group (performance with recycled materials)
11:00-12:30 Trash to Art Workshop by NLB (for kids ages 6-10)
11:00-12:30 Upcycle Accessories Workshop*
13:00-15:00 Upcycle T-shirt into a Bag Workshop*
13:00-15:00 Clay Painting Workshop
16:30-19:00 Basically, 06: Upcycle! (handmade tote bags from recycled materials)
*Participants are required to bring along some materials for these workshops.
So do join us at The Upcycle Project!

Basically tote bag is recycled and hand made.To register for the workshops, please contact Yvonne at at MacPherson CC for enquiries and registration. Tel: 6745 2940.
Also, check out our project blog at:
Penang World Festival 2013 Highlights

The 2013 Edition of the Penang World Music Festival (PWMF) will take place from 30 to 31 March 2013 and the list of bands performing at the festival is nothing less than impressive.
The venue will once again be the Quarry Park at the Penang Botanic Gardens.
Penang World Music Festival 2013 features Nasout from IranA total of 12 bands will be featured at the festival during the two days. They are Mu from Portugal, Kimi Djabate (Guinea- Bissau), Nasout (Iran), Alp Bora Quartet (Turkey/Austria), Saharadja (Indonesia), Oratniza (Bulgaria), Inka Marka (South America), Kalayo (Philippines), Dagaya (Japan) and Dende and Band (Brazil/USA). They will be joined by Malaysian bands Akasha and Rimba.
All the bands will be performing at the concert at night and in addition daily workshop sessions with the musicians will take place in the afternoon prior to the concert. This workshop allows the public and audience to participate and learn the unique music making processes of the international artists. The event will be held in the open air and will proceed through any weather conditions.
Tickets to the festival are priced at RM80 per day for adult and RM30 per day for a child between five and 12 years old. Two-day ticket is RM140 for adult and RM70 for a child. Tickets can be purchased online at
This annual festival is organized by the Penang State Tourism Development and Culture Office and managed by UCSI Communications Sdn Bhd.
Singapore International Energy Week 2013
The Singapore International Energy Week (SIEW) is the foremost gathering of leading conferences, exhibitions and workshops held in Singapore and a platform for policymakers, business leaders and academics to exchange ideas, strategies and best practices that shape global industry energy agendas. Now in its sixth year, SIEW 2013 is a much-anticipated event in Asia's energy calendar.
Event: Singapore International Energy Week 2013
Date: 28 October - 1 November 2013
Venue: Sands Expo & Convention Centre, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore
SIEW is organised by the Singapore Energy Market Authority (EMA), a statutory board under the aegis of the Ministry of Trade & Industry.
How to register:
Please indicate your interest in the Singapore International Energy Week at
EMART Asia 2012 to Showcase LNG Trading Model
Asian based utilities seek to switch to LNG as primary feedstock
The LNG sector is beginning to shift towards an oil trading model with potentially new sources of liquidity, more speculation and increased price volatility. EMART Asia, held during Singapore International Energy Week (SIEW) from 23-24th of October, will showcase how this new LNG trading model and increased energy trading regulation will impact business opportunities and risks.
“The LNG sector is seeking greater visibility regarding future prices as Asian based utilities seek to switch to LNG as the primary feedstock against coal”, says Marcus Magee, General Manager of EMART Asia.
“This year we focus on two key areas that impact energy traders in Asia, and Singapore in particular”, adds Magee: “The new LNG Trading Model - the increase in short term trades and its flow on effects regarding LNG contracts, utilities and the wider fuel mix, and the increased regulation of OTC trading - more transparent electronic platforms, increased liquidity and increased financialisation of energy markets.”
Speakers Include:
* Yunji Xu, LNG Origination, Portfolio Trading, Shell Eastern Trading LNG
* Rajnish Goswami, Head of Gas & Power Consulting for Asia-Pacific & Middle East, Wood Mackenzie
* Jim Nicholson, Vice President, Argus Asia
* Alan Heng, Director and CEO, Gas Supplies
* Alan Bannister, Asia Director Energy, CME Group
* Dr Hooman Peimani, Head of the Energy Security Division at the Energy Studies Institute, National University of Singapore
* Travis Nadelhoffer, Director Energy Products, Morningstar
* Jennifer Ilkiw, Vice President, Asia Pacific, IntercontinentalExchange
* Praveen Kumar, Senior Consultant, Head of South Asia Oil and Gas Team, FACTS Global Energy
* Simon Ellis, LNG Analyst & Editor of Global LNG Markets, ICIS Heren
Topics at EMART Asia:
* Spot market development and price benchmarking
* Regulatory developments in ensuring healthy competition in energy trading
* Impact of derivatives trading on the physical market
* Risk management in the volatile energy market
* More market case studies across Asia
EMART Asia is a regional conference that focuses exclusively on LNG procurement - from spot trading and hedging to long term contracts and the development of a Asian based LNG trading infrastructure including its own price indexes, trading hubs, storage infrastructure and related derivative products. The event profiles the activities of LNG traders in Asia, and particularly in Singapore, as the LNG industry develops a new procurement model reflective of new supply and demand fundamentals. Although still far from being a commodity, LNG is undoubtedly emerging as an essential vector for world gas expansion. Attend EMART Asia to get the facts on how to improve your LNG trades and to better understand the role for intermediaries in this important and rapidly expanding industry.
EMART Asia is part of the Singapore International Energy Week (SIEW).
Event dates and location -
Conference: 23-24 October 2012
Location: Marina Bay Sands, Singapore
Event website:

Langkawi One Earth Music Festival 2012
In its second year, this two-day eco-themed festival will feature well-known Southeast Asian musicians performing jazz, blues and a mix of other genres. The One Earth Music Festival 2012 is held on the picturesque beachfront of the Frangipani Langkawi Resort & Spa, which Gaia Discovery reviewed and reckons is a model of an eco resort in many ways. Read Gaia Discovery review of Frangipani Langkawi Resort.
Leading Malaysian jazz pianist Michael Veerapen will feature together with several other rising Malaysian stars including Reza Salleh, Liyana Fizi, Poova and Amir Yussof (Sabah) as well as Saxman Koh (Thailand), the Langkawi-assembled Panjir Warisan and the Langkawi Love Band. And more to come.
Event: One Earth Music Festival 2012
Date: Friday 2 November 2012 - Saturday 3 November 2013
Time: 6 pm til late
Venue: Frangipani Langkawi Resort & Spa, Langkawi Island, West Malaysia
Environmental Message and Activities
The festival aims to promote Langkawi internationally as an eco-friendly holiday destination and to encourage the local community to keep the island clean and green. The festival’s theme this year is the Rivers Project which is a programme to keep Langkawi’s rivers clean. Activities focussed on protecting the environment will be organised throughout the day.
Following the concert, DJs will set the temperature up a notch higher on the beach after 11pm.
For more details on ticket prices and specially priced accommodation packages log onto:

Singapore International Energy Week 2012
The Singapore International Energy Week (SIEW) is the foremost gathering of leading conferences, exhibitions and workshops held in Singapore in one week, in one location. Now in its fifth year, SIEW has established itself as a must-attend event on Asia's energy calendar. SIEW provides a platform for policymakers, business leaders and academics to exchange ideas, strategies and best practices that shape global industry energy agendas.
The Singapore Energy Lecture and Singapore Energy Summit kickstart the Week by providing a forum for key players to discuss high-level energy issues. SIEW also features best-in-class conferences and exhibitions such as Asia Future Energy Forum Asia Smart Grid, Downstream Asia, EMART Asia, Gas Asia Summit and the PV Asia Pacific Expo. Collectively, they represent the energy value chain, from fossil fuels to renewables and from production to trading.
Event: Singapore International Energy Week 2012
Date: 22-25 October 2012
Venue: Sands Expo & Convention Centre,Marina Bay Sands, Singapore
How to register:
Please sign up at
Event details:
SIEW is organised by the Singapore Energy Market Authority (EMA), a statutory board under the aegis of the Ministry of Trade & Industry.
Ecotourism Leaders to Gather in Cairns

Ecotourism Australia’s Global Eco Asia-Pacific Tourism Conference has attracted some of the world's leading players in ecotourism.
Over three days, 60 speakers will come together with representatives from across the tourism industry to discuss the key challenges and opportunities for ecotourism now and beyond to 2020.
The program features a line-up of speakers from organisations including G Adventures, Virgin Australia, World Expeditions, Tourism Australia, the Department of Conservation New Zealand, Shangri-La Hotel International Management, The Federal Group and senior representatives of tourism departments in China, Japan, Malaysia, Cambodia, the Philippines, Korea, Taiwan and Nepal.
Global Eco will be held 15-17 October 2012 at the Pullman Reef Hotel in Cairns, Queensland.
Register to attend and view the program at