Asia Dive Conference (ADCON) 2013, is the first conference in Malaysia to bring together Professionals in the dive industry and staged at Sutera Harbour Resort, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia from 4 to 5 December 2013.

Focused on “Technical Diving and Photography”, the conference promises to deliver 2 unforgettable days of very best in diving information, lectures, diver education, product workshop conducted by speakers and professionals from all corners of the world sharing their expertise and discoveries who are keen to advance their knowledge and stay abreast of those developing trends, technologies and techniques.
Some 500 delegates are expected during the 2 days event. Professionals in the industry attending the conference will sure benefit from its array of knowledge and expertise. Subjects will span from deep wreck-and-cave explorations, underwater photography and filmmaking, hyperbaric medicine, diving safety, diving technology developments to name a few.
It is an event for all divers to dive into possibilities to obtained unparrelled education, knowledge, expertise and networking opportunities that the conference will offer.