The Singapore Futures Sustainability Symposium 2013 is organised by undergraduates from the Bachelor of Environmental Studies at the National University of Singapore. Its inaugural launch will host distinguished speakers and practitioners tackling critical issues of sustainability raised by the Population White Paper and its companion land-use plan.
The programme will feature panels covering issues relevant to the natural and urban environment. Speakers include Dr Shawn Lum (Nature Society Singapore), Mr Louis Ng (ACRES), Dr Lena Chan (NParks), Dr Paul Anantharajah (NUHS), Mr Christopher Gee (Institute of Policy Studies), Dr. Tay Kheng Soon (Akitek Tenggara), A/P Chong Keng Hua (SUTD) and Mr Devadas Krishnadas (Future-Moves).
Aside from the panel discussions and question-and-answer sessions, participants are encouraged to share their vision for Singapore at our interactive wall display at the symposium venue.

Name of Event: Singapore Futures Sustainability Symposium 2013
Theme: The Population White Paper and the Environment
Date: Saturday, 28 September 2013
Time: 1:00 – 6:00 pm
Venue: Auditorium 2, Stephen Riady Center in University Town, University Town, NUS, 2 College Avenue West, Level 2 Singapore 138607
Programme updates can be found at:
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Interested to attend? Kindly register here: