Zayed Sustainability Prize 2021 Call for Submissions — Gaia Discovery

Zayed Sustainability Prize 2021 Call for Submissions

The Zayed Sustainability Prize webinar series is free of charge. Register here

The Zayed Sustainability Prize webinar series is free of charge. Register here

The annual Zayed Sustainability Prize has recognised and rewarded sustainable innovations in Health, Food, Energy, Water and Global Education since 2009. Projects with positive social impacts and environmental solutions could receive funding of USD600,000 each.

  • Sustainability innovators from global organisations and high schools are invited to submit entries before 11 June 2020

  • Webinar on 3rd  June 2020, Wednesday at 3 PM (GMT+8) via  Zoom

The UAE’s pioneering global award in sustainability is a tribute to the legacy of the nation’s late founding father, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan. The prize aims to recognize and reward the achievements of those who drive impactful, innovative and inspiring sustainable solutions across these five distinct categories:

Kopernik, a non-profit organisation, was a Zayed Sustainability Prize recipient in 2016

Kopernik, a non-profit organisation, was a Zayed Sustainability Prize recipient in 2016

  • Health

  • Food

  • Energy

  • Water and

  • Global Education

The Zayed Sustainability Prize is awarded annually, with a total of 86 recipients since its very first ceremony in 2009.

The Prize awards five categories: Health, Food, Energy, Water, which are only open to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Non-Profit Organisations (NPOs); and Global High Schools, which is split into winners from six global geographical regions each: The Americas, Sub-Saharan Africa, Middle East & North Africa, Europe & Central Asia, South Asia, East Asia & Pacific.

This year, due to unprecedented and challenging times brought forth by the ongoing global pandemic, the initiative has extended the participatory deadline for all categories to 11th June 2020. Winners will be announced at the annual awards ceremony held during Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week in January 2021.

About the Webinar

Do you have an innovative sustainable solution? Find out how you can apply and submit today!

Join the webinar series on 3rd  June 2020, Wednesday at 3 PM (GMT+8), via  Zoom. The series will feature the likes of Mr Sharad Somani, Partner & Head of Infrastructure Advisory, KPMG Singapore; Mr Rob Hulme, Co-founder and Director of Beanstalk Agtech; Mr Damian Tan, Managing Director, Vickers Venture Partners; past winners of the Prize and other leading voices in sustainability.

The webinar is free of charge. Register in advance!