WTM World Responsible Tourism Award 2019 Finalists Announced — Gaia Discovery

WTM World Responsible Tourism Award 2019 Finalists Announced

The WTM World Responsible Tourism Gold and Silver Award finalists have been announced for 2019.

“To become a Finalist in the WTM World Responsible Tourism Awards is a significant achievement, it marks you out as a leader in Responsible Tourism; it carries a responsibility to exercise leadership,” said Chair of the Judges Harold Goodwin.

“Our purpose in organising the Awards has not changed since they were launched back in 2004 – we want to encourage change in the industry, to single out for recognition those who are taking responsibility and can evidence that they are having a positive impact, that they are making tourism better.”

After an extensive process, the panel of expert judges have decided on 14 global businesses, destinations and organisations to receive the prestigious awards within six categories.

Nikoi Island is one of the 14 nominees for the World Responsible Tourism Award by WTM.

Nikoi Island is one of the 14 nominees for the World Responsible Tourism Award by WTM.

Here’s the list of finalists:

The 2019 WTM World Responsible Tourism Gold and Silver Award finalists are:

These are the six categories for which the above companies and organizations were nominated.

1.  Wildlife and Nature Conservation

Judges are looking for innovative examples of tourism businesses that have made a demonstrable and significant difference locally, initiatives which they hope will inspire and encourage others. Included are tourism enterprises that have made a tangible difference to the conservation of nature, which is locally significant. They are looking for examples where real change has been made on the ground regardless of the size of the entity.

2. Reducing Carbon & Other Greenhouse Gases.

Judges are looking for examples of initiatives that have developed practical means of reducing carbon and other greenhouse gas emissions in any sector of the tourism industry - airlines, coaches, cruise, car hire, and accommodation.  –The judges will seek to level the playing field to ensure that the category could be won by a large or small business or organisation, what matters is the solution, its replicability and the scale of emission reduction relative to the cost of the change implemented.

3. Benefiting Local People

Judges are looking for examples of businesses which are making particular efforts to benefit neighbouring communities, by providing social, economic or environmental benefits to the community, through training and progression or working with local people to create a local supply of goods or services for purchase by the tourism business or tourists. 

4. Transparent Reporting

Judges are looking for examples of businesses and certification schemes where the impact of the initiatives taken to reduce negative and increase positive impacts are communicated to guests, travellers and stakeholders. 

5. Reducing Plastic Waste 

Judges are looking for innovative examples of initiatives taken by tourism businesses, community groups or destination organisations that have significantly reduced the volume of plastic waste going to landfill and/or reduced the amount of plastic pollution across the destination. The sites may be publicly or privately owned & managed.

6. Coping with Success, dealing with Overtourism

The Winner of this Award will be recognised for Managing Success and promoted as an example of successfully maintaining a competitive quality visitor experience and ensuring that residents quality of life is also maintained. Judges are looking for examples of attractions and sites where management interventions have reduced the negative impacts on the site and neighbouring communities and improved the visitor experience. The sites may be publicly or privately owned & managed.

In addition to the individual award, an overall winner will be announced at WTM London, on Wednesday 6th November 2019 as part of WTM World Responsible Tourism Day – the largest day of responsible tourism day in the world.