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Ubud Writer’s Festival 2017, Bali

The Indonesian island of Bali is again hosting its Ubud Writer’s Festival on October 25-29 in the central mountains, about one hour north of Denpasar Airport. With more than 150 authors, artists and writers from 31 countries, the Festival is marking its 14th year.

It has signed up published and authoritative writers from countries as diverse as Iran, Canada, South Korea, the Philippines and Pakistan to help deliver a five-day program of impassioned live performances, workshops, literary lunches, and powerful stories, ideas and solutions.

What: Ubud Writer's Festival 2017

Where: Bali

When: 25-29 October 2017


Marina Mahathir will be at the Ubud Writer's Festival 2017

Marina Mahathir will be at the Ubud Writer's Festival 2017

The lineup includes the leading UK crime writer Ian Rankin, Canada’s literary star, Madeleine Thien, feminist icon Nh. Dini, and Malaysian minority rights activist and author, Marina Mahathir. Also attending will be Chinese author Jung Chang, whose family autobiography Wild Swans sold over ten million copies after being banned in his home country, and Tasmanian Saroo Brierley, whose memoir was adapted into the blockbuster film Lion.

The Festival will also stage special sessions where expert industry practitioners pass on ideas and practical advice to newstart writers. Advice sessions include Online Writing, hosted by Australian Brigid Delaney who has written for the DailyTelegraph in London as well as Guardian Australia.

The Festival not only helps promote Ubud as an arts and cultural centre, it also showcases Indonesian writers on an international stage and helps young Indonesians to reach their potential through associated educational programs and literature.

Proceeds from ticket sales go towards funding for free workshops for local children and high school students and teachers, and to subsidise attendances of local residents who could not otherwise afford to attend.