Kedah Cycle and Run for Water 2017 — Gaia Discovery

Kedah Cycle and Run for Water 2017

Invitations are out to join the Kedah Cycle for Water event to be held on 11 November 2017 at the Keriang Hill Resort in Alor Setar, Kedah, Malaysia. Participants can either run 7km or cycle 40km as part of a fundraiser to raise awareness about the conservation of one of our most valuable resources: freshwater. Freshwater is a resource under threat; just 3 percent of the planet’s water is freshwater, and only about 1 percent is readily available for human use.

EVENTS Run Kedah c-o WWF.PNG

The double-whammy of global population growth and climate change means we must be innovative and committed when it comes to water management and conservation. Money raised will help to protect freshwater ecosystems and improve water access, efficiency, and allocation for people and the environment. Participants in the Cycle and Run for Water event will receive a 100% organic cotton T-shirt and a medal made from recycled remnant wood. Entry costs a paltry RM45, which will be used to fund WWF-Malaysia’s efforts to conserve our freshwater and protect our water catchment forests.
