Carbon Tax and Our Climate Actions — Gaia Discovery

Carbon Tax and Our Climate Actions

The Singapore government has established a carbon tax law to be made effective in 2019. What are the impacts of the upcoming carbon tax on various stakeholders? How may Singaporeans respond to it and take actions to reduce our carbon footprint?


The NUS’ MSc Environmental Management (MEM) Alumni Group is organising a seminar titled "Carbon Tax and Our Climate Actions".  Speakers from different sectors will share their perspectives. All are welcome to this free event. 

Seminar: Carbon Tax and Our Climate Actions

 Date:       Saturday, 25 August 2018

Time:      09.00- 13:00

Venue:   Auditorium, Shaw Foundation Alumni House, National University of Singapore (NUS), 11 Kent Ridge Drive, Singapore 119244

Please click here to register for the public seminar. 


09:00 Registration and networking over tea & coffee

09:45 Welcome Address

10:00 “Carbon Tax in Singapore” by Mr Gan Rui Yun, Senior Executive (Economic Research), National Climate Change Secretariat, Prime Minister’s Office

10:30 “The Carbon Pricing Act 2018: A Legal Commentary and Where to Next? Presented by Mr Eric Bea, Student Advisor (Research) and Ms Sarah Lu, President, Environmental Law Students Association, National University of Singapore

11:00 “Carbon Tax: Perspective from the Business Sector” by Mr Vinod Kesava, Co-founder & CEO, Climate Resources Exchange International Pte Ltd

11:30 Topic 4: “Climate Actions from Singaporean Youth” by Ms Cheryl Lee, Singapore Youth for Climate Action

12:00 Panel Discussion

12:45 Closing Address & Tokens of Appreciation

13:00 Lunch (vegetarian meal)

"Circulation" of Books

Participants are encouraged to bring along any used books or magazines for exchange, especially titles related to Nature or the Environment.

Three Professional Development Units or PDU points have been allocated by the Professional Engineers for this seminar. Seminar participants intending to claim these points have to bring their PE Registration Number for registration.

 Gaia Discovery is a media partner of this event.


Carbon Tax Seminar 2018 agenda. Organised by MEM Alumni of NUS.

Carbon Tax Seminar 2018 agenda. Organised by MEM Alumni of NUS.

Speaker profiles of Carbon Tax seminar by NUS MEM Alumni on 25 August 2018.

Speaker profiles of Carbon Tax seminar by NUS MEM Alumni on 25 August 2018.