Reef Check Malaysia is calling out for volunteers for beach clean-up among other advocacy actions in line with the Third International Year of the Reef (IYOR 2018).
IYOR 2018 aims to strengthen global awareness of coral reefs and associated ecosystems, promote partnerships and share information between stakeholders for the sustainable management of coral reefs, as well as identify and implement effective management strategies for conservation and sustainable use of these ecosystems.
This is in line with RCM’s current efforts in Malaysia, which focus on helping stakeholders to implement sustainable coral reef management. IYOR 2018 provides an opportunity to extend efforts to raise awareness among Malaysians about the value and importance of coral reefs, the threats they face and what can be done to contribute to reef conservation.
Reef Check Malaysia has the following activities planned in March and is calling for support:
Beach Clean Up
Reef Check Malaysia is organising beach clean-ups in several locations across Malaysia on the 3rd of March 2018 with the help of a few partners.
Below is a list of all the locations where a beach clean-up will take place. Interested parties and volunteers for any of these clean-ups need only to email their interest at and they will be directed to the right person.
Here are the locations of the beach clean-ups:
• Tioman Island – Tekek
• Sibu Island
• Mantanani Island
• Kota Kinabalu
• Mabul
• Perhentian Island
• Pangkor Laut Resort
• Tanjong Jara Resort
• Gaya Island
• Miri
• Lankayan Island
Reef Check Malaysia monitors the reefs for coral health and seeks volunteers for monitoring as well as beach clean ups. Image courtesy of Reef Check Malaysia.
The focus is on marine debris this year, due to the alarming amounts of plastic and other trash on beaches around Malaysia. This affects tourism – a major industry in Malaysia, as well as impacting marine mammals and food security. The problem is not local, and will need concerted efforts from all parties to come up with sustainable solutions. The NGO hopes to engage beverage companies, packaging manufacturers, resorts and dive operators in addition to getting government participation.
Reef Check Malaysia plans to follow up on the clean up activities with media coverage and lobbying to relevant government agencies, using the data and the combined voices of all participants,
Further clean-ups are planned, including one in September in conjunction with the International Coastal Clean-up Day.
Reef Check Malaysia hopes that these efforts will help to not only raise awareness on this issue but also kick start a series of actions by all relevant stakeholders to address the problem of plastic waste and marine debris in Malaysia.
Photo contest
A photo contest is being organised sometime towards the end of 2018. Any photo related to IYOR2018 and coral reefs will be accepted. So start snapping away and keep an eye out for more details!
Share some of your photos during the beach cleanup on Facebook (Reef Check Malaysia) or Instagram (@reefcheckmalaysia). Also, don’t forget to use the hash tags #IYOR2018Malaysia #reefcheckmalaysia
For more information, visit