Green Home Tips - Food and Cooking — Gaia Discovery

Green Home Tips - Food and Cooking

Here are tips on saving energy, cutting down carbon emissions and preventing further global warming.

Try eating raw which not only saves on cooking fuel but is also healthier as nutrients are better preserved.

Eat less meat for three reasons. Meat takes more time to cook, especially frozen foods and steak, guzzling lots of fuel. Second, lots of energy and resources are involved in getting that piece of lamb chop from a farm in New Zealand to be air-flown to you half way around the world. Frozen foods need chilling, special wrapping and storage in low temperatures. Electricity, gas is used at every stage of production and transportation – from collection from the abattoir in container trucks to delivery in cargo planes. As meat demand (and most food for that matter) increases, so does aviation and land transportation, adding to the already critical level of ozone-depleting gases.

We shouldn’t forget that forests are being destroyed to convert natural habitats into farmlands and grazing fields. The demand for meat is a major factor of biodiversity loss; it also contributes to less absorption of carbon by trees, so that there’s a stronger concentration of carbon dioxide in the air. Which leads to global warming.

Third reason to say no to meat is to keep your arteries free of clinging animal fat and blood free of fatty cholesterol. Love life and your body. Eat healthy and stay trim.

Where possible eat local and fresh. Eating local produce means you show your support to local farms and trade communities, plus you say no to obscene use of energy involved in imported products.

When cooking, switch off the stove nearly three quarters way rather than at the end. The pot's high temperature will continue to heat the food for a few more minutes. Remember to cover the pot or pan to seal the heat in as well as the flavours.

Have a green tip? Feel free to add on to the list by commenting below.

Also in this eco-living series:

Green Home Tips - Lighting

Green Home Tips - Electrical Appliances

Green Home Tips - Cars 

Green Home and Office Tips - Computing
