Green Home Tips - Electrical Appliances — Gaia Discovery

Green Home Tips - Electrical Appliances

Here are tips on saving energy, cutting down carbon emissions and preventing further global warming.

Shun convenient gadgets that require electrical power. Examples are juice extractors, food processors, coffee makers, can openers and clothes dryers. If you have an alternative, like manual appliances, go for them.

Think carefully before purchasing a refrigerator, bearing in mind it is left on 24 hours for each day of the year. What’s the volume of food to be stored? A big fridge equals big power equals big bill equals big gas emissions gobbling up the ozone layer if your fridge still uses CFC or HCFC coolants.

If milk is all you need to chill and you cook fresh vegetables or meat, you don’t even need to have a fridge. Surprising? Just think about it. Why do you need a fridge? What changes can you make to live without it?

A lifestyle change could mean not spending money on buying a fridge and paying higher utility bills. If you still need to chill something, though, get a bar fridge that’s so energy-efficient and handy you can even take it with you to your vacation home in summer.

If you do need to buy regular air-conditioners or fridges, go for newer environmentally-friendly inventions. SolarChill and natural refrigerants bypass the need for traditional coolants, saving the Earth and saving you money. Be wary of second-hand items as they prolong the use of ozone-depleting substances.

To make a cup of tea, opt for an energy-saving kettle which uses 20% less electricity than standard ones. And boil only what’s needed to make that cuppa rather than filing it up. If each household in the UK does this, it will save them enough power a year to light up their streets for seven months!

Have a green tip? Feel free to add on to the list by commenting below.

Also in this eco-living series:

Green Home Tips - Lighting

Green Home Tips - Food and Cooking

Green Home Tips - Cars

Green Home and Office Tips - Computing
