Happy Gaia Discovery Readers of Previous Promotions
WINNER OF Djembe sponsored by Tribal Arts
Congratulations Josephine Poh, a Vice President with Matador from Singapore. She was a lucky reader to win from a raffle of subscribers. Next raffle for another Djembe winner is September 2008.
Love percussions? Look no further for here's a boom-worthy djembe just waiting to be grabbed.
All you have to do is to subscribe to Gaia Discovery eNewsletter. Two subscribers, new or existing, will have chance to own this marvellous musical instrument (20-30 cm tall) through a draw. A thumping reward for Gaia Discovery eNewsletter subscribers only.
Not a subscriber yet? Well why don't you become one right now. Don't be surprised if you get an email declaring yourself the winner.
WINNER OF Techung CD - a Compilation of Tibetan Folk and Freedom Songs.
Congratulations, Anusha Kanagasabai, producer with Astro Mix FM from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for your coolest response. You're in for a folksy treat!
Autographed by award-winning Techung with English lyrics featuring tracks such as Rang Zen – Independence, Nying Thop – Courage, Zhi Wai Gang Seng – The Snow Lion of Peace and Drechang Silma – Fresh Rice Chang. Winner of the 2006 JPF Asian Album of the Year.
WINNER of Stiff Chilli Villa Bali Promotions
Sonja Boon of Vizpro Entertainment, part of MediaCorp TV 12 in Singapore is the thrilled winner of Gaia Discovery-Stiff Chilli Villa Promotions where she gets to soak in the full glory of nature in Uluwatu, Bali for three nights and four days.
She recommended the most number of readers to Gaia Discovery - highest at 33!
Congratulations Sonja. Don't forget to take your MP3 with you!
Editorial Integrity
Gaia Discovery is an independent production that upholds editorial integrity at all times.
By agreeing to partner Gaia Discovery Reader's Promotions in the donation of products, sponsorship of accommodation or gifts as prizes, partners and sponsors enter into an agreement not to exercise any authority or influence over editorial content. They may not request to vet copy prior to it being published or seek amendments thereafter.