Students in architecture, design or engineering are encouraged to apply for a position in Arkitrek Camp, a unique hands-on architecture design with sustainable structures, in the heart of Borneo.
Mantanani resident craftsmen will ensure that construction workmanship is up to scratch.
Kuala Lumpur, 17 September 2010. Arkitrek Camp, an architecture summer school in Malaysian Borneo is now taking applications for a three-week camp in May 2011.
The camp is aimed at developing young architects’ skills and experience. Malaysia-based British architect Ian Hall, director of Arkitrek is working together with volunteer organisation Camps International for hands-on design and construction in the environmentally and culturally-sensitive Malaysian state of Sabah.
Participants of Arkitrek Camp are required to document and build their design within a set period of time, with everybody contributing to the design process. The final result will be sustainable structures that can be used by the local communities.
"The Arkitrek Camp is an opportunity for architecture students to design and build a project in response to a real brief on a site in Borneo. Through the experience of realising their design, Arkitrek aims to equip students with skills that bridge the gap between academia and professional practice," said Ian Hall, Director, Arkitrek.
“Camps International has had a long relationship with Arkitrek in the design of many of our camps and projects. Our long term plans in our host communities is for improved infrastructure and opportunities. To be able to gain innovative and new designs from students, whilst also helping to complete the building itself is a win win situation for all," said Rory Hall, Director, Camps International Asia.
Arkitrek has 6 years experience in designing and managing project work for young volunteers, like this bridge at Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Centre
The Camp will run for three weeks and is open to architecture students from all schools. Tuition and facilitation will be provided for by Arkitrek staff and guest teachers.
Enquiries will also be considered from architecture schools interested to tailor a camp exclusively to their students and tutors.
ARKITREK CAMP 2nd – 23rd May 2011. £1295 per person excluding flights and insurance. Includes full board, full time facilitation by experienced architects plus a challenging design brief on Mantanani Island
Expressions of interest and requests for an information pack and application form may be submitted to
A participatory design process will ensure that all participants and stakeholders can take ownership of the project
Arkitrek is a Malaysia based design company specialised in working with social & environmental NGOs, responsible tourism operators and youth organisations.
Many of these clients are receptive to providing hands-on learning opportunities to young people in interesting places. Arkitrek has responded to this by developing expertise in group facilitation and volunteer program management.
In 2009 Arkitrek created a site-based intern program which empowers architecture students to work independently outside their comfort zone with the benefit of a support network to ensure a structured learning experience.
The Arkitrek Camp takes this model to the next level with an intensive program open to a larger group of students with learning support from full time architectural tutors and facilitators.
For more information about Arkitrek visit their website at
Camps International is a UK based volunteer organisation which uses tourism to help tackle community development and environmental issues across Africa and Asia.
By bringing volunteers to these parts of the world, Camps International is able to provide opportunities for local employment, worthwhile and long term project work as well as supporting local communities through indirect income generation.
Camps International has been short listed for the “Best Volunteer Organisation” at the Responsible Travel Awards for a number of years, winning the award in 2008. It prides itself on its ethical approach to tourism and volunteering.
For more information about Camps International visit their website at