Myanmar Infrastructure Summit 2017: Sustainable Growth & Development — Gaia Discovery

Myanmar Infrastructure Summit 2017: Sustainable Growth & Development

The Myanmar Infrastructure Summit 2017 will be held from 29 to 31 March 2017 at Sule Shangri-la, Yangon, Myanmar. Theme: “Accelerating Myanmar’s Infrastructure Development for Sustainable Growth” Register for MIS2017 hereProgram of MIS 2017 here. Organiser: Confexhub.

Supported by the Yangon City Development Committee (YCDC), Mandalay City Development Committee (MCDC), Myanmar Investors Development Association (MIDA), Myanmar Construction Entrepreneurs Association (MCEA), and Myanmar Engineering Society (MES) along with key stakeholders, the Government of Myanmar plans to pursue balanced territorial development with the aim to upgrade its infrastructure capacities to achieve inclusive and sustainable growth as the fundamental of economic development. 

Themed “Accelerating Myanmar’s Infrastructure Development for Sustainable Growth”, MIS2017 is set to provide a platform for potential foreign investors, infrastructure developers, technology providers and infrastructure funders to be updated on the development plans and policies of investing in Myanmar’s urban and rural infrastructure; to assess market opportunities and at the same time build potential business and investment networks with the local policy makers and industry players on the following thematic areas:

  • Integrated Master Planning for Sustainable Rural & Urban Development
  • Adopting Green Building Framework Towards a Livable, Sustainable and Resilient Myanmar
  • Financing Options and Regulatory Framework for Infrastructure Projects in Myanmar
  • Conservation and Reuse of Heritage Buildings and Cultural Sites in Myanmar
  • Healthcare Infrastructure Development Plan
  • Integrated Waterfront Development
  • Accelerating Tourism Infrastructure Development for Economic Growth
  • Urban and Regional Transportation Infrastructures as an Economic Accelerator and Expansion for Myanmar

Alongside the conferences is an International Exhibition featuring key companies in the infrastructure and construction sector covering real estate development, road, bridge, canal, railway, ports, airports, building technology, structural design and project management providers.

Industry Context of MIS 2017

Myanmar’s construction industry is forecast to record rapid growth, at an annual average rate of 10.37%. In real terms, the industry’s value stood at US$8.2 billion in 2015, and is anticipated to value US$13.5 billion in 2020. This growth is supported by the country’s improving economic conditions; mainly depending on government investments in residential, energy and utilities, and public infrastructure projects, as well as a rise in foreign investments. Residential construction is the largest market in Myanmar’s construction industry, accounting for 49.9% of the industry value in 2015. The market rose from US$3.6 billion in 2011 to value US$5.0 billion in 2015, recording a CAGR of 17.89% in nominal terms. The market is forecast to remain the largest, to value US$9.7 billion in 2020. Transportation is the second-largest market, accounting for 19.4% of the industry’s total value in 2015. The market rose from US$1.3 billion in 2011 to US$1.9 billion in 2015, at a CAGR of 20.13%. Accordingly, the government will invest US$26.8 billion under the National Transport Master Plan, allocating funds to road, rail, marine and air transportation projects until 2030. This sector is expected to reach US$4.2 billion in 2020.