The Green Disc – a great resource about innovative technologies for developing countries and small island states – is now available online.
The site is meant to be a one-stop online location for researchers to post data and information about potential solutions to energy and environmental issues.

"I'm excited we now have a central online location for all this critical material,” says Dr Thomas J. Goreau, a Jamaican marine scientist and biogeochemist who coordinated the effort. “It will be accessible to more policymakers, funding agencies, students, and the world-wide public... Technology innovators now have a way to get their message out to the world. Critical information can be disseminated in an improved, cost-efficient and environmentally-friendly way online, as a constantly growing encyclopedia of innovative solutions to the major problems facing humanity’s future."
Topics include space-based solar power, tidal energy, using algae as biomass and much more.
Anyone can access the Green Disc site, but registration is required.
The Green Disc will also be distributed at the Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development later this year.
Gaia Discovery publisher Mallika Naguran contributed an article about generating drinking water from the air to the first edition of the Green Disc.