By Carine Seror, Corporate Responsibility Director, WWF Singapore
Following the huge success with Earth Hour, the WWF is calling on people and companies to continue with progressive environmental commitments that help reduce their energy consumption and carbon footprint. A few suggestions could include:
1. Buy energy efficient appliances
If you're buying a washing machine, refrigerator, dish washer or oven, buy the most energy-efficient model you can afford. The same is true for office equipment like computers, copiers, printers.
2. LED lamps are cheaper in the long run
Replace your lights you use most with compact fluorescent lamps, they use only around one-quarter of the electricity to provide the same light. And they last four times as long as a normal light bulb! But they contain mercury, so light-emitting diode (LED) lamps are best.
3. Turn up your air conditioning
Setting your air conditioning on low temperatures not only wastes energy but also weakens your ability to adjust your body temperature. By setting your air conditioning 1 degree Celsius higher, you will already save on your energy bills while decreasing your likelihood of getting a cold.
4. Avoid stand-by and turn off lights
Turn off televisions, videos, stereos and computers when they are not in use - they can use between 10 and 60% of the power they use when on "stand by". Turn off lights when you don't need them - it saves energy already after a minute or two. Turn off computer screens when you take a break.
5. Wash economically and dry your clothes under the sun
Use the washing machine or dish washer only when you have a full load. Use washing powder suitable for low temperature washes and use economy programmes.
6. About your fridge
Don't leave fridge doors open for longer than necessary, let food cool down fully before putting it in the fridge or freezer, defrost regularly and keep at the right temperature.
7. Getting around and on your way to work and school

When you want to make short journeys, try walking! Use a bicycle for short trips and local shopping. It keeps you fit too and is fun too! Make more use of public transport, such as buses and trains, for longer journeys. Share care journeys with work colleagues or friends - up to a third of car mileage is accounted for by the drive to work.
8. About your car
If you have to buy a car, buy a fuel-efficient, environmentally friendly one. This will save you money and keep more CO2 from going into the atmosphere. Make sure that your tires are inflated correctly - this can save you 5% on the cost of your petrol. Turn off your engine when waiting in your car.
9. Reduce your air travel
When you travel to your holiday destination by plane you are contributing to significant emissions of climate change causing carbon dioxide. So take vacations nearer to home, or get there by other forms of transport such as train, bus or boat. If you have to fly, consider buying carbon offsets to compensate for the emissions caused by your flight.
10. Enjoy the sun
Fit solar panels on the roof of your home. Turn your own home into a clean power station!
Source: WWF