Bio-rock: Reef Reborn 2013
In the North-West of Bali, in the Bay of Pemuteran a Coral Nursery started 13 years ago and is now showing incredible results. The "Karang Lestari Project" is a successful Coral Restoration Project using Bio-Rock Technology. It is right off the Beach of Taman Sari Bali Cottages. What used to be in the year 2000 a barren underwater landscape is now a fantastic coral garden. Protection by the Village of Pemuteran, Bio-Rock Technology and a dedicated team made this possible.
Read also more about Bio-Rock here on Gaia Discovery
Biorock in "Karang Lestari" Pemuteran Bali 2007
Biorock Helps Corals Survive Environmental Threats
and a lot more here