Gaia Discovery

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Tree Felling and Bush Clearance in Kallang

(A letter sent to National Parks Board in Singapore)


Dear Sir/Madam

I have observed that too many trees are being cleared when they seem healthy. This is around the Upper Boon Keng Area. And this morning the bushes lining the canal are all cleared. They are the natural habitats of many birds and creatures, and provide important nutrients to them as well.  I am a witness of the different species in this area, which are dwindling, as I walk through this area every day.

Please see more comments in this blog.

I would like a response from NParks on this matter.

Please stop felling trees and clearing bushes indiscriminately. They may be be indispensable to humans, but they certainly aren't to the birds and bees.

You can also have an idea of the pollution in this home video of mine.


Mallika NAGURAN (Ms)
Publisher & Managing Director, Gaia Publications