Reverse Global Climate Change with Adaptation, Sustainable Development, Solutions
Small Island Developing States Partnership launches the multimedia Green Disc: New Technologies for a New Future.
Copenhagen, 16 December 2009. A 40 chapter interactive multimedia disc of innovative, proven, cost-effective new technologies for integrated sustainable development, adaptation to rising temperature and sea level, and solutions for reversing global climate change was circulated to all United Nations Conference on Climate Change COP-15 delegations today.
The technologies include a wide variety of new renewable energy technologies including ocean energy, biomass energy, waste recycling to make clean water, water generation from atmospheric air, energy, carbon-negative fuels and fertilizer, carbon sequestration, soil fertility restoration, large scale restoration of land and ocean ecosystems, and sustainable agriculture and mariculture.
These technologies can be used in small, isolated rural communities and large industrial cities in Small Island Developing States (SIDS), developing, and developed countries. They can be rapidly ramped up to solve major global climate, development, and environmental problems, yet they are currently under-utilized because of inadequately effective policies and funding for sustainable development.
The disc is an essential tool in reversing atmospheric CO2 buildup and global warming, and stabilizing global CO2 and temperature at safe levels in time to prevent the impacts of runaway climate change, while maximizing global sustainable development benefits.
The long-term impacts of global warming will be worse than are now realized, and the tools exist to solve the problem, but we aren’t using them. The future of SIDS depends on rapid implementation of these new approaches.
The disc features the work of top innovators in new sustainable technologies. It was prepared by the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development Small Island Developing States Partnership in New Sustainable Technologies (SIDSPINST), was edited by Dr. Thomas Goreau (founder and Coordinator of the Partnership, a member of the Jamaica delegation, and former Senior Scientific Affairs Officer for global climate change and biodiversity issues at the United Nations Centre for Science and Technology for Development) and Sara Trab Nielsen (from Denmark, author and editor of several major World Bank publications on the impacts of global climate change on sustainable development).
The thin, flexible disc has full internet functionality, capable of launching web sites and video, with half as much material as conventional DVDs, and uses state of the art media developed by the Gibby Media Group Inc. The UNCCC COP-15 Edition will be followed early next year by a larger edition with more material and technologies.
For more information please contact:
Dr. Thomas Goreau
Sara Trab Nielsen
Gibby Media Group Inc.
For practical ideas, check out Gaia Discovery Eco Solutions.