Take a Climate Neutral Pledge with CN Net
by Mallika Naguran
If your company is looking to make a commitment to fade its carbon footprint or increase ways to benefit the environment, it can do so by pledging to become “climate neutral” through the Climate Neutral Network. Also called CN Net, this unique internet platform extends to communities, associations, cities and countries (Costa Rica, Iceland, New Zealand and Norway have since joined). Even individuals can take a pledge to do their bit.
CN Net (www.unep.org/climateneutral) set up by the United Nations Environment Program helps those interested to achieve their goals of achieving climate neutrality by making public the plans and strategies they have. They can also, thereafter, update progress or achievements, even challenges, encountered.
Participants can tap into the tools and resources on this site, plus network with other existing members. The site has videos, podcasts, posters, photographs and news alert service among its tools for members, and is RSS enabled. CN Net, however, lacks discussion tools such as forum boards which could bring a real-time engagement to collaboration and information sharing.
Since its launch in February 2008, CN Net has seen a growing number of small and medium-sized enterprises participating alongside bigger corporations by sharing best practices and success stories on greenhouse gas emissions reduction and offsetting. One such company is Belcorp, headquartered in Peru, which manufactures and sells beauty products. It has taken steps to reduce its carbon footprint throughout its supply chain.
Another, Inoxia, a small advertising agency based in Bordeaux France completed its carbon assessment and has planned to cut greenhouse gas emissions which include reducing staff travel by 20% within two years. “We believe that each company’s actions will have an impact on the environment, no matter how big or small,” says Philippe Barre, CEO of Inoxia. “Our commitment to CN Net shows that even an SME in the advertising industry can find a whole range of solutions to become more carbon neutral,” he adds.
Nearly 30 companies from wide-ranging industries around the world have joined the network such as energy, banking, airport, tour operator and wine producer. If your company is contemplating becoming green or has started some environmentally-friendly practices, why not take a pledge to see through the commitment through CN Net.